Controlling your Garage Door from your Phone
How to convert your existing garage door, so you can operate it from your mobile phone
How-to: Smart Roller Shutters
How to convert your existing roller shutters, so you can operate them from your mobile phone
I will never work for you
A list of industry sectors that I would never like to work for.
Effective Meetings
Many meetings are a pain. But the principles below take most of that pain away!
What’s up with Web3 ?
A lot of hype around web3, but also promising developments around decentralization!
No DMs For Work Tasks
This post explains why you should 'never' discuss about work tasks using Direct/Private Messages (DM/PM)!
Announcing your Availability in Slack
If your team forces you to send a message in some slack channel when you leave your keyboard (or if you have colleagues that do this), this post is for you.
Acronyms Are Dead! Long Live Acronyms!
Acronyms are a pain, but also useful. See how you can get the best of both worlds, so you can both type less and save others having to understand obscure acronyms!
How-to Create Focus: My Routine
If you are struggling to focus on a specific work task, and are drowned by ~notifications~ interruptions, you might want to consider a routine that helps you avoid them.
Working Remotely, From a Virtual Office
Even if you don't miss working in an office, there must be *some* parts of office work that you *do* miss, right? A virtual office may help with those.
Time for some rest
SoCraTes UK 2019: Reflections
Which Jenkins plugin provides pipeline step X?
When writing a Jenkins pipeline, have you ever wondered if the pipeline steps you're using are built-in, or provided by a jenkins plugin?
Developing Jenkins shared libraries and pipelines, in parallel
How do you develop a Jenkins shared library and a Jenkins pipeline using it, at the same time?
Live Stream your Local Meetup (for cheap)
A Dev Env for Jenkins Pipelines
Run locally installed NPM binaries without installing globally
I try to avoid installing things on my laptop. Installing NPM binaries globally, just because some project needs them, is bad form...
PGP with Protonmail and Keybase
A quick guide on how to set up PGP on Protonmail, using Keybase
Groovy SDK is not configured with IntelliJ + Homebrew Groovy
i.e. how to tell IntelliJ where the Groovy SDK has been installed by Homebrew. Hint: it’s a 'hidden' path and IntelliJ doesn’t see that by default.
What’s wrong with estimates?
Nothing... Apart from pretty much everything with the way we use them...
GitHub for Managing Offline Communities
We all know GitHub as a great online collaboration tool for software projects. But what if we tried to use it to run an offline community?
Why are back seats so rubbish?
I think cars with 4 seats have a major design flaw everyone ignores: their back seats. They simply don’t work.
10 days without a Smartphone
Why is Why Not the Greatest Question of All Time?
On Privacy and... Doors
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