Acronyms Are Dead! Long Live Acronyms!

Acronyms are a pain, but also useful. See how you can get the best of both worlds, so you can both type less and save others having to understand obscure acronyms!

March 9, 2021 - 1 minute read -

Can you have your cake and eat it too, when using acronyms?

Why, yes, you can!! : )

The Problem

Acronyms are a pain (because others might not know them), but also helpful (because they speed up your typing).

Wouldn’t it be great if you could somehow type an acronym like “RHOAM” and everyone would understand that this was, in fact, referring to “Red Hat OpenShift API Management” ?

The Solution

How, you ask?

  • Just add the acronym to your favourite clipboard manager’s list of pre-configured snippets (or whatever it calls them).
  • You type “RHOSAK”
  • The world sees Red Hat OpenShift Streams For Apache Kafka
  • \(^ ^)/

By using Alfred Snippets with a bunch of stored acronyms as keywords, you can get the best of both worlds!

You can find my list of snippets in this GitHub repo.

There are now (at the time of writing) ~150 shortcuts for acronyms there.